Self-awareness and evolution in artificial systems of the future - Prof.Dr. A.E. Eiben vendégelőadása


Ezúton szeretnék mindenkit értesíteni, hogy 2013. szeptember 13-án Prof.Dr. A.E. Eiben a hollandiai Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam oktatója vendégelőadást tart az Informatikai Karon, előadásának címe: Self-awareness and evolution in artificial systems of the future.

Az előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.

Időpont: 2013. szeptember 13., 10:00 óra

Helyszín: ELTE Informatikai Kar, 2.512-es terem

Az előadás rövid ismertetője

Self-awareness and evolution in artificial systems of the future


The current way of developing and engineering (embedded) ICT systems is on the verge of major changes. One prominent trend is to increase the autonomy and adaptivity of systems. In short, future systems are to become more self-driven and less human-controled. In this talk I will discuss several examples (in transportation, security, and robotics) and elaborate on self-awareness and evolution as two key technologies to this vision. I will consider major promises and the related challenges of both approaches and argue that a combination of the two has the potential of being "bigger than the sum of its parts". The presentation will have an open character with room for discussion and bold ideas.
