Szoftvertechnológiai Fórum

Szoftvertechnológiai Fórum

2014. április 24-én 15 órától az NJSZT Újklub, a Morgan Stanley és az ELTE Informatikai Kar Szoftvertechnológiai Fórumot szervez.

Előadást tart - először Magyarországon - a C++ programozási nyelv atyja, a Morgan Stanley vezető munkatársa: Bjarne Stroustrup, valamint Sinkovics Ábel, a Morgan Stanley budapesti irodájának munkatársa.

Előzetes regisztráció szükséges:

Időpont: 2014. április 24. csütörtök 15 óra (regisztráció a helyszínen 14 órától).

Helyszín: ELTE Informatikai Kar 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a., Gömbaula (bejárat a Déli kapu felől).

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!

Az előadások kivonata

Bjarne Stroustrup: The Essence of C++: With Examples in C++84, C++98, C++11, and C++14

Creator of the widely used C++ programming language. He is managing director at, a Distinguished Research Professor, and holds the College of Engineering Chair in Computer Science, at Texas A&M University, and a visiting professor at Columbia University.

C++11 is being deployed and C++14 has been approved by the ISO C++ committee. This talk examines the foundations of C++. What is essential? What sets C++ apart from other languages? How do new and old features support (or distract from) design and programming relying on this essence? I focus on the abstraction mechanisms (as opposed to the mapping to the machine): Classes and templates. Fundamentally, if you understand vector, you understand C++. Type safety and resource safety are key design aims for a program. These aims must be met without limiting the range of applications and without imposing significant run-time or space overheads. I address issues of resource management. I will touch upon move semantics, exceptions, concepts, type aliases, and more. My aim is not so much to present novel features and techniques, but to explore how C++ʼs feature set supports a new and more effective design and programming style.

Sinkovics Ábel: Embedding domain-specific languages into C++

Software engineer at Morgan Stanley. He graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics, and where got his PhD in Computer Science in 2014.

Domain-specific languages (DSLs) can express problems in particular domains only. Using them in specific problem areas have advantages. They are more expressive in the intended problem domain because the syntax can reflect the usual notations of that domain. This notation makes the DSL usable for domain experts, and helps finding domain-specific errors. Embedded DSLs are domain-specific languages integrated into a host language. Smooth integration requires processing domain code written in an arbitrary syntax as part of the code written in the host language. The integration should cause minimal syntactical and semantic overhead, and introduce minimal dependencies on external tools. This talk focuses on embedding domain-specific languages into C++. It presents a number of existing tools and methods one can use to embed DSLs, and evaluates them based on the syntactic and semantic overhead and external dependencies they introduce.
