Szoftvertechnológiai fórum 2017

Szoftvertechnológiai fórum 2017

A Szoftvertechnológiai Fórum vendége lesz Bertrand Meyer a Politecnico di Milano és az Innopolis University professzora
Előadásának címe: SCOOP: efficient and safe concurrent programming
The challenge of concurrent programming comes from the difficulty of reasoning about parallel executions, leading to programs that may exhibit hard-to-find, hard-to-correct and often intermittent bugs such as data races, deadlocks and priority inversions. The dominant solutions, such as multithreading mechanisms, are hard to use and prone to these problems. To make concurrent programming as convenient and safe as standard programming techniques requires a more systematic approach. This talk describes the current state of SCOOP, a simple extension for Eiffel that supports concurrent programming through high-level mechanisms. SCOOP is at the core of the “Concurrency Made Easy” ERC Advanced Integrator Grant project. The talk will present SCOOP fundamentals and a number of examples.
Helyszíne: 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/A. - EIT Digital Co-Location Center
Időpontja: 2017. szeptember 29. 11 óra
A rendezvény regisztrációköteles
