Thematic Excellence Program - Industry and Digitalisation

Thematic Excellence Program - Industry and Digitalisation

Application Domain Specific Highly Reliable IT Solutions

Beneficiaries: Eötvös Loránd University
Funding: 5 967 000 000 HUF
Launch date: 2019.08.01.
Completion date: 2023.01.31.

The Industry and Digitalization thematic research field launched in 2019 has created a competitive research potential in the field of highly reliable, security-critical and strictly real-time, distributed IT applications at the Faculty of Informatics of ELTE on a targeted spectrum of basic and applied research. Based on the results achived, we successfully applied for the extension of the program in 2021. During the Thematic Excellence Program we carried out basic and applied research, which laid the foundation for the integration of high-quality IT solutions into the products and services produced in each application area targeted Agroinformatics, Digital Services, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Software Industry and Telecommunication Networks, Mathematics and Optimization.

The research included models and methods for secure IT systems in the field of programming languages, meaning-preserving transformations of source code, static analysis in the field of computer networks, information systems, software testing, artificial intelligence, machine vision, autonomous systems and geospatial models, remote sensing; optimizing models and checking their correctness.

Research Groups


„Application Domain Specific Highly Reliable IT Solutions” project has been implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the Thematic Excellence Programme TKP2020-NKA-06 (National Challenges Subprogramme) funding scheme.