24/06 - 28/06

24. June 2024. - 28. June 2024.


06/24 - 06/28

2024. June 24. - 2024. June 28.


In the 2024 edition of PORTFOLIO Summer School (24-28th June, 2024, Budapest), participants are expected to find, rethink or create digital solutions for participatory democracy that contribute to deepening societal change. The aim is to have students embrace and tackle the challenges of vulnerable platforms, inclusive methods, digital lobbying, alerts, and misinformation while also enhancing European values.

We expect applications of students from PORTFOLIO Erasmus+ project partner universities who are engaged to develop solutions for pressing social challenges with the help of digital tools, are ready to learn and work in internationally distributed teams.

From ELTE, we accept applications of students from all Faculties and specializations.

Please, apply here until the 15th of April: https://forms.office.com/e/Lwkwb0snen

Representatives of partner universities will evaluate the applications and inform you about the decision until the first week of May.

Summer School is a 2 ECTS course, all costs of participation are covered by Erasmus+ funding.

More about the PORTFOLIO Erasmus+ project, in the cooperation of Eötvös Loránd University, Université de Rennes , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Aalto University and Università di Trento: https://www.inter-connected-education.eu/