Info session: Study Computer Science at master level in Budapest

Info session: Study Computer Science at master level in Budapest

This is the complete recording of the online info session “Study Computer Science at master level at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest” held on 25 April 2021.

Here you can learn about the master’s program in Computer Science and the specializations offered to international students at ELTE in Budapest, Hungary.

Find the best specialization that suits you of all the 6 specializations in MSc in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Cyber Security , Data Science, Digital Manufacturing, Fintech, Software Technology

More detailed information

►►Timecodes ►►

0:00​​ - Intro

2:09​​ - Faculty of informatics

8:12​​ – Masters programs

9:53​​ - Social responsibilities

11:01​​ - Student services at the faculty

12:36​​ - Contact

13:10​​ - Master’s programs: strengths and specializations

30:24​​ - Student talk: Bruno (specialization: Artificial Intelligence)

37:32​​ - Student talk: Ayshan (specialization: Data Science)

46:42​​ - How to apply?