Development of talent management and research training programme in the field of autonomous vehicle control technologies

Beneficiaries: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (consortium leader), Eötvös Loránd University, Széchenyi István University
Funding: 1 761 696 126 HUF
Launch date: 2017.09.01.
Completion date: 2022.05.31.
The primary goal of the project was to contribute to the modernization of quality scientific youth education in the interdisciplinary fields of IT and computer science in topics related to autonomous vehicle control technologies.
The aim was to increase the number of researchers by ensuring the supply of young people, to develop talent support programs that provide worthy students with the opportunity and financial background for academic development and advance into a teaching career, and to serve domestic and international researcher mobility, domestic and international research collaborations and cooperation of research communities.
The activities of the project covered the entire spectrum of university education and research. In addition to the development of the level and quality of PhD training, we promoted the scientific student activities of talented BSc and MSc students, raising the standard and improving the quality of special colleges. We created scientific workshops and professional groups to encourage better cooperation and support effective research work.
We supported several national and prestigious international conference presentations, primarily providing our young researchers and doctoral students with the opportunity to perform, introduce themselves and present their scientific results. The number of publications completed with the support of the project significantly exceeds the expected amount, and we were also able to significantly increase the overall publication performance of the departments of the Faculty of Informatics during the support period.
The project has been supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.