CEEPUS general data

For outgoing mobility: https://www.elte.hu/en/outgoing-mobility/ceepus


For incoming students:

1. Please contact your Faculty coordinator

Anikó Csizmazia - E-mail: csaniko [at] inf.elte.hu

Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty of Informatics
Department of Academic and International Relations
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Phone: +36-1-372-2500/1937;

2. Please send me the registration Excel with your personal data to csaniko [at] inf.elte.hu

3. Find accomodation: 

You can apply for dormitory here. https://www.elte.hu/en/student-residence-halls/registration
Please note, that dormitory places are limited, usually enough only for students from visa-countries.
Another possibilities to find accomodation:

You can also write to housing@elte.hu

4. Info about administration issues: 



Here you can find the academic calendar for next year: http://www.elte.hu/en/academic_calendar

Orientation Days will be organized on the registration week. More informaton: http://www.elte.hu/en/orientation

Faculty of informatics Welcome Day's expexted date: Wednesday on the registration week (usually first week of September/February)

5. Curriculum info:

Computer Science BSc: http://csbsc.elte.hu/curriculum/ Please note, that we have changed BSc curriculum from the academic year 2018/19. Courses for 1st year students will start according the new curriculum, courses for upper year students will start according to the old curriculum. Equivalences you will find here.

Computer Science MSc: http://csmsc.elte.hu/curriculum/ComputerScience_MSc_curriculum.pdf


Cartography MSc: http://lazarus.elte.hu/gb/cartography-msc/kezdolap.html

6. Important pages:



7. Language courses

8. Sport courses

9. Programs for incoming students: https://www.elte.hu/en/programs-for-students

10. Brochures: https://www.elte.hu/en/brochures



Information about HU 009 network