APL and array programming

APL and array programming

10. October 2023. 13:00 - 15:00

EIT Digital Co-Location Centre, 1117 Budapest, 10/A. Bogdánfy u.


2023. October 10. 13:00 - 15:00

EIT Digital Co-Location Centre, 1117 Budapest, 10/A. Bogdánfy u.

APL and array programming            


 Event details

Starts: 10.10.2023 13 p.m.
Ends: 10.10.2023 15 p.m.
Format: Live
Type: Lecture
The event is free, but registration is required!    


EIT Digital Co-Location Centre, 1117 Budapest, 10/A. Bogdánfy u.


APL has played a significant role in the history of computing, giving rise to a whole family of programming languages and being influential in the creation of very successful software. Although the basics of APL have been established for a long time, exciting new developments continue today. We will look at some of the most powerful features of Dyalog APL and will see some examples of how it is being used.


Jesús Galán López, external contractor for Dyalog Ltd, in collaboration with Ghent University (UGent)